mimétika was founded in 2021 by three friends with strong backgrounds in clinical practice, research and teaching. To share their passion to see high quality continuing education in the field of advanced adhesive dentistry, the core of mimétika is the one year program which offers detailed training in bio-inspired advanced adhesive dentistry.

The strength of mimétika is to bring together high profile researchers with top clinicians. We keep an open mind on new ideas and approaches, always aware that the natural tooth is our prime example. We also think outside the box, striving to be better today than we were yesterday.

Inspired by Nature,  Driven by Science, Mastered by You.

This is mimétika.


Available Courses in 2024 / 2025

The Founders

Raphael Wymann Dr. med. dent.

Graduated in 2006 from the University Berne (Switzerland)

From 2006 until 2009 he worked as an associate dentist in a practice for general dentistry. During this period he started working with CAD/CAM systems and implemented a fully adhesive treatment protocol.

2007 he finished his doctoral thesis in the field of maxilla facial surgery.

Since 2009 he has owned a dental practice in Berne (Switzerland).

After mainly focusing on implantology and endodontology for the first
7 years of his career, he then switched to advanced adhesive and Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry. In these fields he was trained by Pascal Magne, Didier Dietschi, Tommy Rocca, Matt Nejad, David Gerdolle and others.

He is a graduate of the Masters Programme for Microinvasive and Aesthetic Dentistry at the University of Geneva. 

He is a tutor and faculty member at the University of Geneva in the Division of Cariology and Endodontology.

Filip Keulemans Dr. PhD

Graduated in 2000 from the Free University Brussels (Belgium), he followed a 2-year part-time postgraduate training in restorative dentistry at the same university. 

From 2005 on he conducted research as a PhD-student at the department of Dental Materials Sciences of the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) under supervision of Albert Feilzer and received his PhD in 2010 from the University of Amsterdam with the thesis entitled “Exploring the limitations of fibre-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses”. During his PhD he started a research collaboration with the FRC research group of Pekka Vallittu (University of Turku, Finland).

From 2010 until 2016, he was responsible for Dental Materials Science and the skillslab restorative dentistry at Ghent University (Belgium).

Today, he works as a Biomimetic Restorative Dentist at a dental clinic (Dentart Flora) in Merelbeke, Belgium). Furthermore, he’s still affiliated to Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre (TCBC) at the University of Turku (Finland) as research associate. His research interests are mainly Dental Materials Science (characterization, evaluation, and development of fibre-reinforced composites) and Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry.
He will return to university as of 1st of October.

Hugh Byrne DMD

Graduated in Dental Science in 1995 from DDUH, Trinity College, Dublin University (Ireland).

At the same college he served as a faculty member for 20 years. 

He has spent the last 25 years working in general practice with an interest primarily in conservative adhesive dentistry. 

Amongst others, Hugh got trained by Newton Fahl & Didier Dietschi.

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